Make a Difference Day Litter Cleanup - Day 2

Make a Difference Day Litter Cleanup - Day 2

Make a Difference Day, which takes place the 4th Saturday of October, is the largest day of community service in the United States. We have been organizing Litter Cleanups on Make a Difference Day since 2021. This year, we will be doing an alley sweep mostly in the Burkhardt neighborhood on Saturday, with prep work for Saturday occurring during the Friday session. The prep work will involve going through the alleys and putting things in piles, and also collecting loose trash in bags. 

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Make a Difference Day Litter Cleanup - Day 1

Make a Difference Day Litter Cleanup - Day 1

Make a Difference Day, which takes place the 4th Saturday of October, is the largest day of community service in the United States. We have been organizing Litter Cleanups on Make a Difference Day since 2021. This year, we will be doing an alley sweep mostly in the Burkhardt neighborhood on Saturday, with prep work for Saturday occurring during the Friday session. The prep work will involve going through the alleys and putting things in piles, and also collecting loose trash in bags. 

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Member Picnic

Member Picnic

Our first supporting member picnic will be at Island MetroPark on Sunday, September 29th. Special Guest Speaker Andrew Walsh will talk about the history of the park.

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to Sep 22

World Cleanup Day Challenge

For World Cleanup Day on Friday, September 20th (and National Cleanup Day in the U.S.), we encourage everybody to pick up at least 10 pieces of litter over the weekend of the 20th through the 22nd. Share our social media post (Facebook & Instagram) to invite others to participate with you, and let us know at the end of the weekend how much litter you picked up.

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50th Litter Cleanup

50th Litter Cleanup

  • Hamilton Avenue Dayton, OH, 45403 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our August Litter Cleanup in the Historic Inner East / Newcom Plain will be our 50th litter cleanup overall as an organization. Join us in caring for the community, and for a celebration afterwards in Newcom Plain Park.

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August Coffee Chat

August Coffee Chat

It has been one year since we started our monthly coffee chats, and we’re going back to the place where we had our first one. Join us at Pettibone Coffee at 8:30 am. RSVP by email to

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Nourishing Montgomery County

Nourishing Montgomery County

Join us on Saturday, Aug. 10, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Levitt Pavilion in downtown Dayton for a day filled with:

  • Cooking demonstrations by local chefs

  • Sampling of locally-produced foods

  • Giveaways including Sweet P’s Ice Pops, Dayton Dragons tickets and gift cards from local grocery stores and farmers markets

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Taste of Old North Dayton

Taste of Old North Dayton

Come celebrate a National Night Out with Free samplings of the many ethinic flavors that comprise Old North Dayton!

Free food, Free Entertainment, Children's Activities and Community Information.

Water will be provided from the Water truck so please bring your own Reusable Water Bottle.

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Old North Dayton Park Cleanup

This is a cleanup event organized by the Old North Dayton Neighborhood Association, in preparation for the Taste of Old North Dayton on Tuesday, August 6.

More information on Facebook:

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Pink Moon Goods Mini-Market

Pink Moon Goods Mini-Market

Summer fun time at Pink Moon Goods!

Join us in welcoming some old friends and some new friends. We love being in a position to welcome local artists, growers, bakers, makers, and coffee slingers to the shop and we thank you for being so supportive!

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Volunteer at 2nd Street Market

Volunteer at 2nd Street Market

During the Outdoor Market in the summer and fall, Waste-Free Dayton will have a space at 2nd Street Market one weekend each month (Friday & Saturday), which allows us to promote our initiatives including our compost station at the market.

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Volunteer at 2nd Street Market

Volunteer at 2nd Street Market

During the Outdoor Market in the summer and fall, Waste-Free Dayton will have a space at 2nd Street Market one weekend each month (Friday & Saturday), which allows us to promote our initiatives including our compost station at the market.

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Dayton View Clean Sweep

Dayton View Clean Sweep

  • 117 Lexington Avenue Dayton, OH, 45402 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For our first event of June, we are partnering with the Dayton View Historic District on a litter cleanup to get the neighborhood ready for their historic home tour on June 8th.

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Running Up for Air Movie & Wine Tasting

Running Up for Air Movie & Wine Tasting

Join Up and Running and Patagonia on Wednesday, May 15th for the Running Up for Air Film Screening. Doors open at 6pm, film starts at 6:30pm. Enjoy a free wine tasting and light appetizers afterward with Rumbleseat Wine while you enjoy a leisurely after hours shopping event. Waste-Free Dayton will be speaking briefly before the movie starts.

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