Volunteer Opportunity
Help Waste-Free Dayton by being a Sustainability Team volunteer at the Five Rivers MetroParks Small Farm and Food Festival at Carriage Hill MetroPark. The event is from 10 am to 5 pm. Volunteers help participants learn more about what a waste-free event or program is, how to distinguish what is trash versus recyclable or compostable and educate visitors on sustainable practices.
Assist guests in the proper placement of recyclables, compostables, and trash
Create an independent moment of learning while also walking throughout the event to collect waste from tables
Direct visitors to the composting and recycling stations as needed
Represent Waste-Free Dayton and provide more information about the organization.
You can volunteer for 1, 2, or 3 hour shifts. Email us at info@wastefreedayton.org to sign up or for questions.