Guest Post Brett Bogan Guest Post Brett Bogan

What is the IRA?

I just finished listening to a podcast from The Carbon Copy, titled “The make or break moment for America’s energy transition.” In the episode, the host, Stephan Lacey talks with two individuals who were both highly involved in the conversation and development of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), Jigar Shah, the director of Loan Program Office at the U.S. Department of Energy, and Katherine Hamilton, the Chair of 38 North Solutions. Shah explains the IRA as the “how” for the climate movement. For years, environmentalists have known about climate change and what is needed to avoid the most permanent and damaging consequences. The question has been: how do we make the necessary changes?

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Brett Bogan Brett Bogan

2022 Year in Review

We’re already several weeks into the new year, so this article may be a bit late, but we wanted to share this overall look at last year, and share some of our plans for 2023.

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Brett Bogan Brett Bogan

Waste-Free Holiday Tips - 2022 Edition

Last year we posted a similar article in December 2021, “Tips for a Waste-Free Holiday Season”, in which we focused on sustainable gift wrapping, giving handmade, secondhand or experiences as gifts, and shopping local. In this post, we will expound on some of those areas, with the addition of a few new tips. As we discover or hear about new tips from others, we will update this post throughout the month.

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Brett Bogan Brett Bogan

The Forever Walk

Prior to a couple of weeks ago, we had not heard about The Forever Walk, an initiative started this year by Chris and Sabrina with the goal of traveling across the U.S. on foot and picking up trash along the way.

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Brett Bogan Brett Bogan

Watermelon for a Cause

Earlier this month, we attended the Charity Bingo Night at the Yellow Cab Tavern, not because Waste-Free Dayton was the charity beneficiary, but because our friends at Access to Excess were there to benefit from the generosity and community mindedness of Yellow Cab and The Pizza Bandit.

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Brett Bogan Brett Bogan

Why We’re Hopeful About the Inflation Reduction Act

After experiencing so many ups and downs emotionally as a climate and sustainability activist over the last few years (e.g. the U.S. withdraws from the Paris Agreement, then the U.S. is back in the Agreement; hope for a Green New Deal, those hopes dashed), the United States Congress finally passed a significant piece of legislation earlier this month to address climate change, which President Biden signed into law on August 16th. Finally, something to cheer about!

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Humans of WFD Brett Bogan Humans of WFD Brett Bogan

Humans of Waste-Free Dayton: Michael & Jessica Beans

This month, we are excited to feature this husband and wife duo with a passion for coffee and sustainability, passions that all of us here at WFD share as well! We met Michael & Jessica Beans in the spring, and have been to a couple of Namesake Coffee’s popup events, the coffee roastery that they founded in 2016. Let’s learn more about Michael and Jessica..

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Events Brett Bogan Events Brett Bogan

Earth Week 2022 Recap

Earth Week 2022 is a wrap! Over the span of five days, we were at a Bingo Fundraiser, our Executive Director was interviewed on live TV, we had a largest cleanup event to date, we assisted at an after school program for their Earth Day activity, and we participated in a partner organization’s cleanup and beautification event. We are definitely in the “Earth Day Every Day” camp…

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Brett Bogan Brett Bogan

Earth Day, Our City, and You

The theme for Earth Day in 2022 is Invest In Our Planet. Actions that we take and decisions we make on a daily basis ultimately have an effect on our planet. We should also be thinking about how our actions and decision affect our neighborhoods and cities.

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Event News Brett Bogan Event News Brett Bogan

Birthday Weekend Recap

On April 8th, 2022, Waste-Free Dayton was two years old. We began as a Facebook group, started by our Executive Director Natalie, who desired a community of people who encourage one another and share ideas about how to live waste-free in the Dayton area.

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recipes Brett Bogan recipes Brett Bogan

Make Your Own Oat Milk

Making your own homemade oat milk is quick and easy, and one more step towards living sustainably. Whenever possible, buy your ingredients in bulk, try to avoid unsustainable packaging, and use your leftovers. For oat milk, you can use the leftover oats to make cookies, in smoothies, or just as cooked oats.

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Brett Bogan Brett Bogan

One Year of Cleanup Events

On March 2nd, we celebrated the one year anniversary of our first cleanup event. Last year, Natalie, our founder, got tired of seeing all of the litter up and down Hamilton Avenue, and decided to organize that first cleanup. Since then, Waste-Free Dayton organized twelve cleanup events in the one year period ending this past February.

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Events Brett Bogan Events Brett Bogan

Spring Cleanup Events

Spring officially arrives this coming Sunday, but with the weather we have been experiencing this week, it already feels like spring. We are entering the season of rebirth and renewal as we begin to see growth from plants, flowers, and trees, but litter also becomes more apparent on our streets and roadways. Waste-Free Dayton recently celebrated one year of cleanup events in early March, and we’re aiming for an even bigger second year.

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Humans of WFD Brett Bogan Humans of WFD Brett Bogan

Humans of Waste-Free Dayton: Natalie G.

After a break around the holidays, we resume our series where we feature members of the community who are striving for waste-free lifestyles or are involved in sustainability initiatives in the region. This month’s Humans of Waste-Free Dayton profile is Natalie G., a lifelong resident of Dayton on a journey to educate herself and make intentional changes, and to educate and inspire others.

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Brett Bogan Brett Bogan

Starting Your Waste-Free Journey

With three weeks of the new year behind us, hopefully progress is being made towards your waste-free goals for 2022. In our household, we set several goals to push us further along on our waste-free journey, such as doing more meal planning and doing more homemade staples like bread, and also improving our backyard composting. Since I became involved with Waste-Free Dayton last year, a few people have asked me for tips on changes they can make in their daily lives if they are just starting their journey.

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Brett Bogan Brett Bogan

Tips for a Waste-Free Holiday Season

Christmas is less than a week away, so for those who are waiting until the last minute to shop for gifts and make preparations for your holiday get-togethers, I thought I might share some of our strategies to try to be more waste-free this year.

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Campaigns Brett Bogan Campaigns Brett Bogan

Giving Tuesday & Year-End Appeal

Following Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday has turned into one of the most important days of the year for nonprofit organizations. In 2020, $2.47 billion was given to nonprofits in the US, a number that has increased each year since the first Giving Tuesday in 2012.

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Events, Event News, Make a Difference Day Brett Bogan Events, Event News, Make a Difference Day Brett Bogan

Making a Difference, Caring for Our Community

When Waste-Free Dayton was established earlier this year as an official nonprofit organization, three focus areas were identified as critical to our mission: Reducing Plastics, Increasing Composting and Decreasing Food Waste, and Community Rejuvenation. It is that third area under which we include our monthly litter cleanup events. Organizing and mobilizing volunteers to get out into our communities is something tangible where we can see an immediate impact. It does not address the root cause of the litter - our education and awareness campaigns will hopefully help in this area - but it certainly helps with working towards healthier and safer communities. Recently, we had our largest cleanup event of the year.

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Humans of WFD Brett Bogan Humans of WFD Brett Bogan

Humans of Waste-Free Dayton: Darion from Gem City Wild

Waste-Free Dayton was started in April 2020 to be an online community where members could share tips, ask questions, learn and help each other grow on our waste-free journeys. The group, and our community as a whole, has many inspiring individuals, so we are excited to launch this new feature, Humans of Waste-Free Dayton. Our first interview is with Darion, certified nature therapy guide and founder of Gem City Wild.

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